Saturday, January 30, 2010

Scholias, notis, and gloses

Look. Saddam Hussein was a bad man. A mad man.

He had been causing trouble for years. We had tried everything. He was still there!

After the Cold War was over the commies were no longer a threat, so we had to worry about rogue states instead.

They did not need industrial scale economies of war. Modern science can give them Weapons of Mass Destruction which can be manufactured anywhere. Germs. Chemicals. Even small bombs made really nasty by being contaminated with nuclear stuff.

The 9/11 bombers proved that these fanatics can kill us all. By hurting America they hurt us. So we had to do something.

The Iraqi people couldn’t do it for themselves; they deserve the help of a Good Man.

I know my duty. I decided to help protect them all. I am a Good Man, I am.


Yes of course I am sad that a lot of people have died. Things aren’t good, still not working very well.

But look – I have the scars on my back.