Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year resolution

Another poem from Charles Lamb, still relevant in the age of the blog & other forms of computerised life records.

You really do feel for the small boy, biting his protruding tongue, struggling to keep things neat.

I wonder what the children of the future will wrestle with, as they are increasingly less likely to have to struggle with hand writing all misshaped

Written In The First Leaf Of A Child's Memorandum-Book

My neat and pretty book, when I thy small lines see,
They seem for any use to be unfit for me.
My writing, all misshaped, uneven as my mind,
Within this narrow space can hardly be confin'd.

Yet I will strive to make my hand less aukward look;
I would not willingly disgrace thee, my neat book!
The finest pens I'll use, and wond'rous pains I'll take,
And I these perfect lines my monitors will make.

And every day I will set down in order due,
How that day wasted is; and should there be a few
At the year's end that shew more goodly to the sight,
If haply here I find some days not wasted quite,
If a small portion of them I have pass'd aright,
Then shall I think the year not wholly was misspent,
And that my Diary has been by some good Angel sent.

Charles Lamb

A diary is like a perfect friend, always agreeing with the writer -Edwina Currie