Friday, February 04, 2011

Eighty-eight per cent of women

I really did throw something at the radio once – only a small piece of paper mind.

It was when a doctor said that Linda McCartney did not deserve to get breast cancer.

Well of course she did not.

But he thought that Linda, of all women, did not deserve it because she was a vegetarian & lived a healthy lifestyle.

Which means, of course, that any woman who is not & does not deserves everything she gets. The exception is there in the rule.

Well lots of us are still sinning, so now they have come right out with it. You get breast cancer because you eat wrong, drink too much & have babies too late.

Of course what these three things have in common is oestrogen & too much oestrogen passed into the water is killing men’s sperm too.

Let’s face it, everything is just the fault of women.

All the evidence, mostly from observational studies on biased samples, says so.

But remember, eighty-eight per cent of women get away with it, in the sense that at least their punishment is not breast cancer.