Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tell me more

Sometimes you see something in the paper which just leaves you dying to know more

An unusually short piece appeared in a Times law report from the Court of Appeal under the intriguing headline: Bulk does not a case make

Papers of great bulk & complexity do not turn an unarguable, unmeritous claim into one which is arguable

Their Lordships were clearly greatly displeased. The work that had to go in to clawing out some sense from the bulky papers which had been presented to them had meant justice for others was delayed

Unfortunately the person appealing has already completed his sentence & is out of jail. This means that they were unable to make their displeasure plain by unhesitatingly ordering that the period he had spent in jail on remand before his trial should not be subtracted from the time he had to serve once sentenced

I assume that the guy was representing himself, since no defence lawyers are named. But if he had had more time in jail maybe he would have been able to use it to turn his long letter into a short one