Sunday, June 10, 2012

Impossible men

Perhaps this is a poem written by a man who really does like & admire women; or perhaps he is just describing the trap – to be truly admired a woman must always, always, behave well (& selflessly).
True liberation means being able to escape into equal impossibility.

A slice of wedding cake

Why have such scores of lovely, gifted girls
Married impossible men?
Simple self-sacrifice may be ruled out,
And missionary endeavour, nine times out of ten.

Repeat ‘impossible men’: not merely rustic,
Foul-tempered or depraved
(Dramatic foils chosen to show the world
How well women behave, & always have behaved).

Impossible men: idle, illiterate,
Self-pitying, dirty, sly,
For whose appearance even in city parks
Excuses must be made to casual passers-by.

Has God’s supply of tolerable husbands
Fallen, in fact, so low?
Or do I always over-value woman
At the expense of man?
                                   Do I?
                                          It might be so.
Robert Graves