Saturday, May 02, 2009


Connectivity is in the air. The new zeitgeist. I heard it twice on Radio 4 on Thursday

Of course connectivity is the whole point of the internet & the web. The word cropped up when Peter Day spoke to John Chambers of Cisco Systems & Mike Lynch of Autonomy about how they plan to survive the recession

In Our Time was about The Vacuum of Space

Connectivity – a beautiful word – space is filled with connectivity” said Professor Frank Close, just after Professor Jocelyn Burnell had used it, seemingly to mean virtually the same thing as force

Connectivity affects the softer social sciences. Part of human capital. For example children’s speech. Middle class children do not just hear more words, they hear more people having more different kinds of conversation & will be included in more themselves

The brain is the conductor of connectivity in the organism, not the organ of thought (unless thought ≡connectivity)

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