Sunday, February 22, 2009

More on drains

One day last week I walked up & over the hill carrying a bag of washed & squashed to the recycling centre – a full bag since I had not walked that way for a while because of the bad weather

About half way up 3 men were gathered round a drain, just finishing off some job. I was surprised to see that one of them carried a half full but heavy-looking black bin bag as they returned to their vehicle, a small flat bed truck, which carried the same logo as the tanker they were using down our lane the other week

They paused to inspect another drain on the brow of the hill, but just drove on. I glanced down as I passed the drain, which was quite full but all I could see was water & a couple of floating leaves

They did get out at the next drain, halfway down the other side. To my astonishment one dug out a spade full of black rich looking loam – definitely not squidgy oozing mud. Again I glanced down as I passed – the soil came practically up to the level of the road surface

I wonder how many years it took for that to accumulate

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