Thursday, January 29, 2009

Special relationship communication

In The Times Feedback column on Saturday Sally Baker mentioned the following quote of June 30, 1825, from the Times Archive:

New York papers to the 5th instant arrived yesterday by way of Boston, but they supply no intelligence of the least interest

That reminded me of the following from the Illustrated London News 14 September 1867:

The study of the domestic policy of the United States, always somewhat difficult to foreigners, has not been facilitated by the use which is made of the electric telegraph. The isolated scraps in which the main items of intelligence reach the Old World by this means of communication are very apt to puzzle all but the well informed, & by depriving the subsequent epistolary correspondence of all novelty to discourage efforts necessary to obtain a comprehensive view of American affairs

So far, I have not seen any similarly waspish comment for the Blackberry age