Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bulbs to last a lifetime

The bulb in my bedside lamp blew on Thursday. That galvanised me into thinking more about what to do about energy saving

Sainsburys had only one kind of 60-watt equivalent bayonet-fitting long life bulb on the shelf. It was a very odd elongated shape & did not look as if it would fit under any of my lampshades

So I started thinking about doing the unthinkable & stocking up on the evil planet-destroying kind

I do not think that I ever need to replace more than 4 bulbs a year. So 100 of them should be enough to see me out even with a little better than average life expectancy (mine & the bulbs). Total investment, less than £25

Now all I need to do is work out how much shelf or cupboard space they will need

It really is time to start getting rid of some of the books

Related post: Hip fracture & energy efficient light bulbs