Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A great little country

Stryker Mcguire gave us his views on Britain in The Times yesterday:

“Suddenly the country is having to rethink its role in the world — perhaps as Little Britain, certainly as a lesser Britain.”

I have been wondering if either of those is better than the Little England which John Mander foresaw in 1964?

Stryker McGuire is contributing editor of Newsweek magazine. Its rival, Time magazine, was on the case in 1963:

“For all its resources of political experience and industrial skill, Britain, nearly two decades since war's end, has yet to adjust to the realities of its new place in the world, or even to accept them. Thus, warned the usually pro-government London Times last week, "the mood in which the general election is fought could be even more important that who wins it. To the outside world, Britain now seems something of a psychological case."

Things staggered on, but:

"History has been closing in on Britain for some time … Tony Blair made a final stab at greatness — London achieved an importance it hadn’t had since Churchill.”
