Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Whiter than white

There is a long tradition of a woman’s status, competence, morals, decency or just plain properness being judged by the whiteness of her whites.

You might have thought that twenty-first century woman would be judged by different standards.

But no, not even Her Majesty the Queen is immune.

Some journalists (female) found it necessary to point out that the Balcony Scene at the Royal Wedding revealed that the Buckingham Palace net curtains are grubby.

A similar criticism was aimed at Cherie Blair in the closing days of her tenure as chatelaine of No 10 Downing Street.

My reaction to this is – Huh! Call yourself a journalist?

Because a proper journalist would know that these are not ordinary net curtains, capable of being brought to the required pristine standard by a proper wash in the right kind of detergent.

These are magic curtains, impenetrable by shards of flying glass should a terrorist bomb go off in the vicinity & shatter the windows.

Mind you, if women really did rule the world, materials scientists would have made sure that this magic material could be manufactured to the appropriate standard of snowiness.