Saturday, May 28, 2011

Guests who came to dinner

A Times report of the Obama visit carried, on page 4, a box giving a selection of names of those invited to the state dinner. This very partial list named only two women – Helena Bonham-Carter (with Tim Burton) & Hillary Rodham Clinton (without Bill). We were directed to the Court Circular on page 55 for full details.

Virtually all the other women who attended were listed as with, & secondary to, their husband or partner.

I spotted a small number of women (not listed as ‘with’ a partner) in the president’s suite & among the US Embassy invitations, otherwise only Baroness Hayman as Lord (!) Speaker & ‘Ms. Deborah Turness and Mr. John Toker’.

Deborah Turness is Editor, ITV News, the first female editor of network news in Great Britain who, as a producer, spent part of her early career working in ITN's Washington bureau.

This tells us quite a lot about the role of women in these post-feminist days. Just a tiny number invited in their own right, though we cannot discount the idea that some of the couples were invited because the two together have a status that neither quite has on their own; even then, the man always comes first.

The events of the past few weeks have shown that a highly intelligent & independent woman can nevertheless achieve great respect & status by coming second & knowing her place – not speaking out of turn for example, or even at all. But she will be judged on her dress in a way that a man will almost never be. Perhaps we should learn a lesson from the Queen, Michelle Obama & Samantha Cameron: embrace it, don’t moan, & turn it to powerful symbolic effect.

Other fascinating facts:

Tom Hanks (& Ms Rita Wilson) were there as US Embassy invitations.

God’s full name is Sir Augustine O’Donnell.

Boris Johnson’s wife is styled here, so presumably styles herself, as MRS. Marina Wheeler – a combination of honorific denoting marital status & maiden name that I haven’t come across before.

Tony Blair & Gordon Brown (with wives) were not omitted from this guest list, as they were for the Royal Wedding. Did GB wear white tie & tails?

Sir John Major & Dame Norma Major also attended, though not Baroness Thatcher, whose health would probably not permit it. I would guess that protocol insists former prime ministers be invited to state occasions.

Perhaps that even explains Helena Bonham Carter, who, as the great granddaughter of almost the last Liberal prime minister, is practically political royalty herself.

Guest List

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