Friday, May 27, 2011

Last FM

It wasn’t just Blogger that was having problems recently – I could not get Last FM either.

Check headphones – OK

Check Radio Vlaanderen – no joy there either.

I just put it down to one of those things – maybe a problem with the library system.

Blogger has, a far as I know, been a bit cagey about the precise nature of their problem, but Last FM have been disarmingly frank

The technical detail is over my head, but it was very illuminating to read about the difference in emphasis, & technical challenge between start-ups which focus on making things work, and reliability which comes later, costs money, and adds complexity to systems – something government ministers might take note of the next time they dream of a vast all-singing, all-dancing computer project.

And after all that, Last FM’s problem was just dust.

They should get a mother-in-law with white gloves to come& run her fingers over all the surfaces.