One of the complaints about our current parliamentarians is that they do not look like us
Too male, too white, too middle class
As a bit of fun, I am wondering how like us they look in other respects too
Height – they always say the tall man beats the short one in elections. What about the women? Do we have any parliamentary Napoleons or Naomi Campbells?
Baldness – say no more
Blondeness – bottle or otherwise
Fatness – it would actually be a public service to publish the BMI of all MPs since they lecture the rest of us so much about this
Glasses – or are contact lenses de rigueur?
Intelligence – how many qualify to speak for the 50% of the population who have an IQ below 100?
Age – how many MPs qualify for a bus pass? How many use them regularly?
I also find myself wondering whether there was ever a time when the Lords was younger than the Commons