Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The affect of art on science

1 Art is a way of making you see

1.1 New art brings new ways of seeing

2 There are books about the influence of science on art or the art of scientific illustration eg CH Waddington's Behind Appearances: 'The case I am arguing - that our developing scientific understanding of the nature of our material surroundings has had important effects on the ways in which painters have worked '

2.1 There is no work on the influence of art on science

3 Major advances in science follow the development of the ability to see the phenomena under study [Aristotle etc]

3.1 Telescopes, microscopes, X-rays, physical models, electron microscopes, computer simulation, colour reproduction, film, video, mobile phones

3.2 How does a scientist know what to see or how to look at something never seen before? By comparing it to or with something else, something seen before

3.3 Available art, visual representations of the world, must play a part in this

4 Even phenomena detectable by other senses – hearing – are made visible to be more easily recorded, remembered, interpreted, communicated

4.1 Language
4.2 Music
4.3 Medical monitoring
4.4 Chaos theory

Question: does art affect or effect science?

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