Saturday, January 26, 2008

Contrails again

A useful piece by the estimable Paul Simons explaining somehing about the conditions which produce contrails

One thing puzzles me though. He says they are left by jets flying at heights of more than 8km - over 25,000 feet

The ones I usually see are from planes landing at or leaving Manchester airport, which is usually less than 20 miles west of where I am standing. So I would have thought the planes were lower than that

Funnily enough it was only the day before yesterday I was thinking that I must try to find someone who can teach me how to estimate the height of planes or clouds

One of my school geography teachers was very good at that, but in those days I found climatology/meteorology the least interesting part of the subject, so never paid much attention.

Oh if only I had known, when I was young

See also: Mystery con trails