Sunday, December 13, 2009

Politicizing Nature

Son of a doctor, brother of a geologist, winner of a scholarship to study natural science at Oxford (though he graduated with a degree in English), WH Auden had more than ‘just’ a poet’s interest in science.

In his poem After Reading a Child's Guide to Modern Physics Auden contrasts science (=physics) with the experience of being human, and asks why we want to know & if we may ignore, to not know the science, especially when it tells us about life, or the universe, on such a non-human scale.

His phrase ‘politicizing Nature’ has nothing at all to do with tricks with data published in support of the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis, but recent events have given those such as Andrew Watson, Royal Society Research Professor at the University of East Anglia, an abrupt lesson in how ‘media savvy’ opponents may behave when challenging the political claims of scientists.

from After Reading a Child's Guide to Modern Physics

And whether our concern

For … politicizing Nature

Be altogether wise,

Is something we shall learn.

WH Auden

The complete poem may be read at BBC - Arts - Poetry: Out Loud, where you can also hear Auden in a recording from 1965
