Wednesday, October 28, 2009


One of the areas which I know I should love to exploit if only I could is that of animated graphics.

In my days in statu pupillari a teacher would draw some chalk lines on a board then stand there waving his hand saying ‘As you can see …’ My response, all too often, was, 'Well yes, if you say so.'

Unfortunately some of the most exciting examples I have been shown (thanks Raj) are not available on the public web, but there was a neat example in a recent post on William Buiter’s blog Inflection points and turning points - since you asked

Animated graphs would be a terrific aid in the presentation of population projections for example.

The Times, in the printed version, did a good job of illustrating these with a chart together with a well-informed commentary Numbers game of population figures is not that simple - Times Online by Tim Finch of the Institute for Public Policy Research

But if animations were also available to show how the population size & age structure evolve dynamically, & the sensitivity to changes in the assumptions, how much more informative these things could be. Still better if they could incorporate the projections made on the two previous occasions in my lifetime (1948 & 1973) when population growth was high on the political agenda.

And Poincare would approve this aid to education


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