Friday, June 19, 2009

Apathy or anomie

Out of interest I took a look at my MPs expenses on the Parliament website yesterday

Only the first document in the ACA file

My goodness. It’s bad enough having to do the ordinary household accounts, without having to do all this on top. Any of us would feel humiliated if our personal stuff, however mundane, were revealed like this

OK, so it’s public money. So is my pension

And so is, in aggregate, 40% of everything we earn, in the sense that we collectively, via government, decide how to spend it, instead of leaving it to the privacy of individual decision

No wonder we are all so fed up & cross with each other: why does she get that, when I cannot get this? What makes him think he deserves that? On, & on, & on

Coincidentally I am reading a book Small-Town Politics: A study of political life in Glossop by AH Birch, published in 1959 (of which more anon)

It is worth quoting one passage here, on why it had become so difficult to find candidates to stand for the local council:

The main motive for participation in local politics has always been a mixture of the desire to serve the local community & the desire to gain prestige in the community, & the main reason for the growth of apathy is almost certainly that the local community is no longer the focus of interest that it was
Half a century later we seem in danger of finding that Parliament is now in that position

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