Friday, March 09, 2012

Boots for the high jump

Yesterday I noticed a pair of men’s sport boots hanging over a cable strung the short distance between the roofs of two buildings which front the main road as you come into town.

Nothing so very remarkable about that – lads larking about on the way home, after a game & a visit to the pub.

Nothing to draw the eye, not the sort of thing you would usually even notice, unless you happened at that moment to be looking idly out of the window of a bus.

But I remember the same image, in exactly the same location, must be more than a year ago at least.

The thing is, I do not think they were the same boots. My memory tells me those were a rather tatty pair of trainers; these were smart, black & even looked polished.

But perhaps that it just some strange effect of weathering – all the ice, snow, hail, rain & wind, with little sunshine or even warmth to encourage the growth of mould.

Or perhaps it's a regular local sport