Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feckless dad or genetic success story?

Version 1. Man has three sons with wife who subsequently dies from alcoholic liver poisoning.

Man has two illegitimate daughters with his housekeeper/mistress.

Forms an attachment to a married lady whom he marries a year after her husband dies. Sets up home for his reconstituted family (his 5 + hers from her marriage) and they have seven more children together.

He draws much of his income from a career as an enthusiastic pusher of heroin

Version 2. Highly regarded doctor (who tended to favour strong interventions, such as the use of opium), poet & polymath Erasmus Darwin demonstrates the survival of the fittest in action through the kind of breeding success which, among others, produced his grandson Charles Darwin.

So is the story behind development of the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection by Charles Darwin one of the triumph of nature or nurture, good genes or good education & upbringing, a large slice of luck leading to him being chosen as companion to Captain Robert Fitzroy on the voyage of the Beagle, or years of hard work?

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