Saturday, May 22, 2010

Who needs HRT?

I thought it was the sunshine.

The bus was full even when it reached my stop – mostly families or teenagers, not gallivanting grannies. Fortunately a fair number got off in the village, so it was not standing room only all the way to town.

The sun no doubt contributed, but the main cause was another biker accident, causing serious congestion & delays.

Roads round here often feature in lists of the most dangerous in England because of the number of accidents, overwhelmingly involving bikers. So apart from family tragedies (sometimes the accident involves a motorist taken by surprise on a bend) there is the disruption to many peoples weekend plans.

I haven’t checked the ages of those involved, but I suspect they split pretty evenly between daft young things & menoporschal. They need seeing to.

Still, as the bus driver said, At least I’ll get an hour’s overtime out of it.