Thursday, November 20, 2008

The man with no name

Myra Hindley
Ian Huntley
Ian Brady

These are names which we vilify. Murderers of children for their own sadistic pleasure

In this latest case, we have no names

We do not even have a finding of Guilty of Murder

One man in particular stays in the shadows

He cannot be named For Legal Reasons. To protect yet another child, to add to the seven already involved in this case

The one which, by implication, we are led to believe that he fathered with the mother of Baby P, born while she was on remand. Removed at birth to a place of safety

To a better life?

Well, we must hope

Would you like to be the social worker/counsellor who, in 18 years time perhaps, has the job of advising that child whether or not to seek to know its genetic inheritance?