Friday, September 12, 2008

Sweetcorn is not green

Despite my resolutely sceptical view of all things Green, I am going to start a campaign under the Green banner

Ban sweetcorn!

Or at least put strict limits on its use. Introduce quotas. Must be clearly labelled as an ingredient of any sandwich, ready meal, salad or restaurant dish which contains it. Sweetcorn-free versions must always be available

I do not hate sweetcorn – even the tinned kind, for which I have a great rice salad recipe, ideal for summer. Sweetcorn fritters make a perfect accompaniment to fried chicken. And corn on the cob with butter is one of those sinful foods best eaten only in the company of your nearest & dearest – and even then only if you are in a position to cut the cobs on a sunny day & plunge them straight away for the minimum necessary time into boiling water

But it is a sin to scatter a few tough little yellow bits indiscriminately through almost everything else (especially tuna sandwiches)

Yesterday a perfectly nice, fresh, crisp green salad with tomatoes & red onion was ruined by the addition of these things. I scrupulously pushed them to the side of the plate as I found them – in total a measly teaspoonful, but still hard work

The reason for hitching this to the Green bandwagon? They block up the sewers & the sewage farms, necessitating special cleaning & disposal

So they cannot even provide much nutritional value