Its my money, so why should I have to pay to take it out of a cash machine?
Because it may be your money, but its not your cash
If your money is in the bank then its just a pattern of electrons on a hard disc. A microscopic speck in a complex world wide web of debts, credits, obligations, promises
If it were your cash it would be upstairs under the mattress, or weighing down your handbag, or spoiling the line of your jacket
Cash is physical, tangible, real
Cash has to be manufactured out of real paper & metal. That costs money
It takes up space, has to be stored somewhere. Space costs
It needs security, wherever it is - vault, Group4 van, supermarket till, even in a cash machine. That costs
It needs to be physically counted, by hand, every time it changes hands. That costs too
Somebody, somewhere, is paying for it somehow