Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I love Orion. And his sword. And his dog

I learned to recognise constellations when I did my Girl Guide Astronomers badge. I can still recognise a few - Cassiopaeia, Andromeda, & the Plough, of course. Not forgetting Ursa Minor. And the Southern Cross if Im in the Southern hemisphere

But Orion is something special. I have no idea why. Perhaps its because he, of all the ones I know, looks like what he is supposed to be. How can the plough be a bear?

Best of all, at this time of year, he is right there over my back garden when I put the rubbish out last thing at night. Like my guardian angel


The radiance of the star that leans on me

Was shining years ago. The light that now

Glitters up there my eyes may never see,

And so the time lag teases me with how

Love that loves now may not reach me until

Its first desire is spent. The star's impulse

Must wait for eyes to claim it beautiful

And love arrived may find us somewhere else.


Step not forth on the dew-dashed lawn

To view the Lady's Chair,

Immense Orion's glittering form,

The Less and Greater Bear:

Stay in; to such sights we were drawn

When faded ones were fair.
