Saturday, January 27, 2007

Chiding streams betray small depths below

Why does water (sometimes) make a noise?

A huge river like the Essequibo can flow almost silently, while the tiniest drip of a tap can sound very loud

The first thing I hear on waking each morning at home is the sound of the stream on the other side of the road. Before I even open my eyes I can tell what the weather is like, just from its sound. Too angry? If only I could just go back to sleep & forget about today! A gentle babble? Oh what a beautiful morning!

Would Niagara still make a noise if it was falling on to something soft & spongy? Like giant foam rubber cushions?

Obviously (?) the speed/force with which the water is moving is part of it. And it has to be moving against something hard. But then what? Explosions of gas?