Thursday, August 16, 2012

Are you sure you are well?

The BMJ reports that an expert group has advised that information on the benefits & harms should be separated from invitations sent to individuals to attend for screening & should recognise that ‘not accepting the offer of screening is a reasonable choice’

About time too, though . I would prefer to substitute ‘rational’ for that ‘reasonable’.

Tueday’s Inside Health on Radio 4 discussed other aspects of the modern disease of over-diagnosis, with particular respect to something now labelled CKD or chronic kidney disease.

If you visit your GP today you will be lucky to find time to tell him what you think is the matter – so much of the time will be taken up with ‘preventative work’, intrusive questions about your ‘lifestyle’ & reviewing prescriptions for the drugs you have been asked to take in order to ‘reduce harm’ or ‘prevent death’ ‘at the population level’

There are still more battles to fight

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