Thursday, November 09, 2006

neo classical endogenous growth theory

Once upon a time there were three factors of production - land, labour & capital

The amount of land is fixed

The amount of labour grows in its own sweet way

The amount of capital (plant, buildings, machinery) grows from investment

Investment can be generated from within (endogenous) or from without (exogenous) - ie from savings or from outside investment

In the equations used by classical economists to explain how economies grow & prosper these 3 factors were given capital letters

But the equations did not always give the right answers when actual growth was compared with what had been predicted

So they stuck in a little t - technological change - to explain the difference. Bit like gravity & the movement of the planets really

Then light dawned. Technology is itself a factor of production

Technology can grow from pinching other peoples ideas (exogenous) or we can grow it ourselves from within


The answer is simple, stupid

Education! Education! Education!